Recruitment practices have changed so drastically over the last few years, and social media outlets like LinkedIn have been both praised and cursed by recruiters and job seekers alike. In the past few decades, organizations focused on “competencies” in hiring and developing talent. Markets today are too volatile and complex and the market for top…
People have a certain mindset, and so do companies. According to an article by Carol Dweck [Harvard Business Review, November 2014], How Companies Can Profit From a “Growth Mindset”, there are two ways to look at something: with a “fixed mindset” or with a “growth mindset.” It turns out that employees in a “Growth Mindset”…
If you look at your Board Members, do they resemble “founding fathers” or is the makeup of your board a portrait of a well-balanced, progressive looking team? Is there diversity? Is there a balance of men and women on the board? Two studies have found that Fortune 500 companies with the most women on their…