It is not uncommon for a firm to look up and suddenly realize they have to reinvent themselves to “stay in the game.” As a matter of fact, the reinvent-or-die challenges that used to be rare catastrophes are now quite commonplace. What hasn’t become commonplace is a direction about how to meet those challenges. In…
I see many firms anxious to sell what they do as opposed to offer what clients really want. I get that what they do is important but what the client wants may be a 10% shift that can make all the difference in the satisfaction of the client and your distinction in the market. I…
Ponder this question: If you were to design your business today, from scratch, what would it look like? Would you use the same processes? Would you use technology in a new way? Would you spend more time with clients? Would you interact differently with other teams of people on the same project? Would the value…