Author Archives: admin

“the key to creating change fast, at low cost, is concentration not diffusion”.

I love that – another brilliant nugget from Renee Mauborgne (Blue Ocean) in responding to the resource requirement for tackling blue ocean strategies: she explains that resources are not all efficiently used or are being efficiently used on what she refers to as “cold spots” instead of “hot spots”. To accelerate change you need to…


Happy New Year and Go for the Blue –Blue Ocean Strategy

In this new year, if anyone needs an inspiration and feels that they are fighting for crumbs of work in a highly competitive and commodity market for low fees – they need to take a deep breath, assemble the brightest and fresh thinkers and read and discuss Renee Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim’s Book: “Blue…


What model year is your business?

Wouldn’t it be something if the auto industry stopped bringing forward innovations and that the 2012 models was really only a 2008 model with a new paint job.   How would that compare to the 2012 model that kept up with the ever-changing needs of their clients?  As a consumer, it would be a no-brainer…


Status quo lovers are being duped!

I was talking to a client about how difficult it is for people to change.  One reason, we discussed, is that many people have been duped into thinking that not changing means that they can do what they have always done and maintain status quo.  Not true.  When comparing proposed changes to status quo remember…

How to Innovate

Jeffrey Dyer, Hal Gregersen and Clayton Christensen wrote a great article called “How to Innovate” (HBR 12/2009 – R0912E).  In the article they describe how sessions designed to discuss new innovation opportunities often get stuck because people sometimes cannot get past the thought of all the existing constraints in order to do something new. I…
