Happy New Year and Go for the Blue –Blue Ocean Strategy

In this new year, if anyone needs an inspiration and feels that they are fighting for crumbs of work in a highly competitive and commodity market for low fees – they need to take a deep breath, assemble the brightest and fresh thinkers and read and discuss Renee Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim’s Book: “Blue Ocean Strategy: How to create uncontested market space and make competition irrelevant”. Competing in overcrowded markets for many was an issue before “the great recession”. Renee says to “shift attention from the competition to buyers, and from dividing up current demand to creating new demand in order to lead themselves and the world out of this crisis”. When I first read this book I thought it was one of the best most needed books available – I feel the same way now, years later. There is a Q&A between interviewer Karen Christensen and Renee in Rotman Magazine Spring 2009 that I just ran across in my file of favorites.
