Working with companies to accelerate growth.

Monthly Archives: October 2010

Client Surveys

Game Changers Leading to New Directions One of my favorite ways to take advantage of a client survey is to use the information gleaned from them to help further team member development.  For the right person these can be a life changer. I remember working with a Project Manager – for the sake our discussion…


Executing Strategy

Harvard Business Review did a study on Strategic Execution (article “How Hierarchy Can Hurt Strategy Execution”) “leaders should consider making strategy formulation more bottom-up and should communicate more clearly – through out the ranks – about what the company is trying to achieve”. To add on to this, even those that engage their team in…


Acquisition Pitfalls

Firm acquisitions: common pitfalls to avoid Acquisitions are exciting, even flattering, and can get the adrenaline pumping.  There are some pitfalls to avoid: Not picking the “right” acquisition – does the opportunity presented match your business and growth plans?  Sometimes opportunity knocks but the acquisition target isn’t exactly the type of firm you had thought…
