Working with companies to accelerate growth.

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Moments of Change

Posted on by Ann Banning - Wright

Pulling It Together For a New Future At times of change all eyes and ears are on the leadership: the clients, your team members, your industry partners and your competitors. There are 8 steps presented in this Orange Paper to help you navigate a changing business landscape and come out intact. [wpdm_file id=1]

Invest In Your Champions

Posted on by Ann Banning - Wright

A Process of Setting Your Priorities Think about it: behind most champions you will find passionate, high quality, strong relationships with multiple clients and/or teams. In this Orange Paper, I pose the question: Given sufficient investment, could they take it up a notch? [wpdm_file id=3] Rest assured your personal info is safe with us – enjoy the Orange Paper!

Firm Acquisitions

Posted on by Ann Banning - Wright

Acquisitions are exciting, even flattering, and can get the adrenaline pumping.  That being said, there are some pitfalls to avoid.  In this Orange Paper, I present ways to help you stay in the driver’s seat from the start of that journey to firm integration. [wpdm_file id=2] Rest assured your personal info is safe with us – enjoy the Orange Paper!